10 Thoughts on leaving home

As the days fly by and the time to leave gets near, my emotions are on a roller-coaster ride which is going haywire. A roller-coaster sounds fun, but I’m not a fan of adventure parks or rides since the time I nearly got crushed under one. (That’s a story for another day! xP)

So on to it.

Thoughts that nearly everyone who’s moving out of house to study abroad for the first time, probably has.

1. So much independence 

I have always lived with at least one of my parents, so one of the first thoughts is that the freedom and independence that moving out comes with. I can finally wake up late.

2. But, what would I do for food? 

I don’t know to cook. That is a fact. But, I’m also the kind who overcooked Maggi (ramen) and made it into a soggy mess, and overheated milk that it bubbled out everywhere. I guess it is a year and half of surviving on takeaways, canned food, and badly cooked food. Also, I would definitely miss my masala dosai. (The South Indian greens; those who got the Kenny Sebastian reference, you guys are awesome!)


3. My new university and course looks so good, on paper.

*mind voice* I really, fervently hope that this does not turn into a repeat of my undergraduate years.

4. But, what if it turns out to be worse?

Although, I really hope it is not.

5. Overdosing on the activities and societies that the university has to offer

All these societies and activities seem interesting. I’m definitely going to involve myself in a lot more activities, probably get into a sport or new hobby, find a place to volunteer or intern part-time, learn a new language and be the new and improved version of myself. Also, I will travel around the entire continent and see all that it has to offer.

6. Pfft. Whom am I kidding? 

The previous point sounded like those New Year Resolutions that I stopped making because I don’t need a new year to change myself, since I am perfect.

Although seriously? I hope I don’t sleep through it all.

Sleep GIF

7. Will I be able to adapt to the new methods of teaching and learning?

The curriculum and teaching methods seem vastly different from that back home. I wonder if I can cope up with it and maintain a decent grade throughout the course.

8. I am definitely going to miss my family and friends way too much.

Stepping out of my comfort zone is daunting and not knowing absolutely anyone in the new place makes it scarier. I’ll definitely miss my friends and family back home, although there’s Skype and other video call apps. But, the time difference exists.

Well, I did make a similar move three years back for college and I survived. I hope I will, this time as well.

9. I have way too much stuff! How will I transport it to UK in two weeks and then to Europe in 6 months!?

Trying to stuff all my stuff into two suitcases of 23 kilograms each is turning out to be quite a challenge. The literal baggage is heavier than my emotional one now.

10. Well, all things said and done, it’s definitely going to be an adventure. 

What were your thoughts when you were moving out of your home for the very first time? Do let me know in the comments below!

Until next weekend,



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